Thursday, January 27, 2011

Telling our tale (Part 2)

If you need a recap, check out Part 1

So Big Girl and I decide on soap!  We are concentrating our efforts on what is referred to as melt and pour soap. She loves fun colors and shapes and it seemed that melt and pour would fit the bill plus I was not too eager to work with lye around her, which is necessary for making cold process soap, like our Dad does!

We (I) have read so many blogs on soap making, have stalked numerous soap making forums and read books. Like previously mentioned, we are in testing stages.  We are trying out an assortment of bases, do we go with a goat's milk base, or a honey base? which do we prefer, a clear base or a white base? then there are molds, and colors and glitter or no glitter?  So the testing continues...but I can say at this point all my kids are pretty clean these days with all the soap floating around this house.

(Disclaimer- I would be doing myself a disservice if I did not admit that the above seems like a really boring post but as promised last week, I was going to continue telling you all about our Fubble Bath adventure so I did.) 

After writing this I am starting to really rethink my blog and where I see it heading...but again I am digressing....

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A Day in the Life (or at least the first 105 minutes)

I have been reading so many blogs these past few days I have noticed that many give you a glimpse into the blogger's daily routine.  Some seem so close to mine but others so not. I thought I would share my typical Monday-Friday with you.

5:45am- Alarm goes off for Dad
6:10am- Dad gets out of bed
6:15am- The Boy gets out of his bed 
6:20am- The Big Girl gets out of her bed
6:25am: The Little Girl wakes up but is not removed from her bed yet
6:30am: Shower for Me and Dad leaves for the day
6:45am: Make lunches and dole out breakfast
6:50am: Feed the dog
6:52am: Feed the cats and the fish

6:55am: Unload dishwasher
7:00am: Check computer, clean kitchen up, pick out outfits for kids
7:10am: Kids start getting dressed after watching 1/2 hour of tv and eating breakfast
7:12am: Get Little Girl out of bed and dressed
7:15am: Tie The Boy's shoes
7:17am: Tie The Little Girl's shoes
7:19am: Make sure The Big Girl combs her hair
7:20am: Check computer some more, clean up from breakfast
7:22am: Make sure all bags and back packs are ready for school, fill with lunch boxes, clean out papers
7:25am: Make sure teeth are brushed and The Boy's hair is done
7:27am: Grab breakfast and sippy cup for The Little Girl for the drive to school
7:29am: Hand out sweat shirts/jackets for the day
7:30am: Go to van ready for school

That is the first 105 minutes of my Monday-Friday. After writing this far, I got tired thinking of it all and need a break.  Maybe I will finish the rest of the day in another post some time!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Sorry Mom

I am sitting at the computer (where else would I be?), Little Girl is within sight playing play dough in the family room.  I sneeze, Little Girl without turning from her play dough says "Sorry Mom".  Within a nanosecond thinking that she has said "Bless you" (like is commonly said) I say "Thanks" and she looks up at me and responds with "Welcome".

It's the small things that make the day enjoyable! and having your not yet 20 month old talk with you like she is 6!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Calling all blogs....

3 weeks into my blogging existence and I am thinking I need to start compiling a list of blogs that I read.   If you have a blog, I am sure you would love a new reader (and you might just get me and my Mom as new readers, so that makes 2 new readers.)  Leave a comment with a link here or drop me a DM on twitter @MommyYouSayIt. 

Friday, January 21, 2011

oh how sweet

Yesterday evening I was hearing some discussion between the big kids about a "surprise for Mom in the morning." Never got more than bits and pieces and then simply it skipped my mind. 

Fast forward to 5:35am this morning.  I hear a door open, I know the sound, it's the Big Girl.  I am lying in bed awake like I do every morning because Dad's alarm starts going off about 5:00am and after a snooze fest he will finally emerge about 6:00am from the bed.  

There is hustle and bustle going on, the fridge is opening, doors are slamming. lights are on...all before 6:00am on a Friday, a school day.  After Dad gets up and into the shower, Big Girl gets The Boy up, then they proceed to get Little Girl up. 

As this is all transpiring I am still lying in bed awake.  And for me this is torture, I have a schedule to stick to, its a school day, I must get up first, I must take a shower at precisely the same time every time, I must make sandwiches, I need to feed the dog when the kids are brushing their teeth at exactly 7:21am.  This has thrown me all off and I might not function at all today.

It was so nice of them to do this but it is amazing to me how caught up in my little routines I must be.

To be honest I let them do it all, never even looked in their lunches to see what they packed, I let them dress Little Girl and even put a diaper on her, which I did not inspect.  BUT,  I did send them back to the bathrooms to brush their teeth, which they conveniently left out of their morning!  

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Telling our tale...

You see it all started several years back, I started a business, Whiffy Bean Bags. My big kids were just 3 and 1 at the time and probably at first had little knowledge of what I did with my time.  For the rest of the world, I spent a lot of time online researching and investigating, I spent countless hours sewing, Dad spent many hours cutting fabric for me as I totally suck at cutting and measuring and not to mention all the time I spent packaging items and going to the Post Office!

As we continued along, the big kids got older and it was clear they enjoyed their parts of the business.  The Boy loved and still loves going to a fabric store, he is a softie for all fabrics and one of his favorite past times is picking out fabrics and having me make him new blankets. (don't tell his guy friends) Big Girl became super interested in sewing but I never did make the jump into getting her a machine.  She also seemed and still seems to enjoy the business part of running a business.  She is about costs and picture taking and sales.

As this business was flourishing and the kids were getting even older and even more aware of what was going on, Dad decided to take a stab at soap making.  He spent his hours of researching  and concocting and testing all the while the big kids watched.  Not long after he started, both kids started getting hyped up about making soap..they wanted to buy their own ingredients and pick the scents.  They enjoyed making soap for their teachers and friends and the idea hit us! 

Due to may outside influences not under our control, we made the tearful decision to close Whiffy Bean Bags. (maybe there will be another post some time about it but basically you can blame on the lead laws) but we had a new plan.  Big Girl and I would start a soap business!  (yes there are rules and regulation and laws we will follow but we won't have to pay $1,500 to test each and every item we make like we would with Whiffy Bean Bags, but again that is another topic.) We currently are still in our testing stages and do not anticipate opening until Spring 2011.

We will post more next Thursday about our humble beginnings and will plan to make Thursdays our Fubble Bath Post Day!  If you are not already a fan, please come by Fubble Bath on FB.  You may find our link on the right hand side of the blog!